After playing about 3 notes in hammer on mode the app crashes. Every time.
After playing about 3 notes in hammer on mode the app crashes. Every time.
I love this app to practice or compose music parts. I have tried all avalaible guitar apps and this is for sure the one I like most... Worth the price. But I would like to be able to export my compo as mp3(or other audio format) and to import mp3 as well to add guitar on it. Perhaps in a future update? I would pay for that. Thanks anyway!
Need option for makin different sound effects. And you still gotta pick what section you wanna play on so these apps are limited but still fun... Overall, great guitar app
The chord playing (manual) is decent but if you want this app purely for that, then just get pocketguitar. The "hammering" (automatic) however is very nice. It isnt that hard to play the intro of Sweet Child O Mine on the 12th fret with one hand. The TAB feature is very usefull and is usualy the first thing I use when opening the application. Writing your own TAB is fairly easy, then you can save it, name it, and load it for later use. Its now hard to listen to them either, you just tab a white bar and it will play one note then go to the next. This adds further customization of rhythem when you play. All in all, this app is very handy for the average guitarist. I reccomend buying.
Wow, most times people are overly critical on iTunes, but with this app, far too kind. Playing it is close to impossible, so maybe while the design is ok (electric guitars sound DISGUSTING and are impossible to shut up, like each note goes on forever no matter what setting you use) the actual product is far too hardto use. Solution for playing guitar on the road... bring your guitar on the road, this isnt even close to the real thing, and people dont say its not supposed to be, because I feel cheated out of my money if this isnt supposed to be even close to a real guitar. Maybe its just the iPhones fault for being far too small and hard to hold. Either way, this app stinks, and Ill never use this company again, even though Pianist was a positive experience, this most certainly was not. Major disappointment.
This app is well thought out and put together. Definitely worth buying.
This is a pretty cool app ... no doubt about it. But, it crashes repeatedly. Is it worth the money? If it worked yes ... but the bugs have to be fixed. Everytime I use it it crashes. Worthless unless this is fixed.
A very nice app. My only complaint that keeps it at 3 stars, is no left handed option. It would be nice to play the the correct way for us southpaws.
Do not pay attention to the average rating, this app is poor. It is slow and uinresponsive, very difficult to make any riffing sound good. Some descent sounds but overall I am very unhappy with this purchase.
Great app. I dont think $6 is to expensive but there is a cheaper app and its really good to.
同種にカテゴライズされる他のアプリをいろいろ試しましたが、現時点での最高傑作では無いでしょうか…? エフェクト、レコーディングなど、各モードの機能も多彩で、満を持して発表した制作側の本気度が充分に伝わってきます。 とくにその入り口である < Hummer On > モードに於ける Playability の高さは、既に YouTube 上にアップされた幾つかの映像で確認された方も多いのでは…? 単なるシャレではなく、やっと演奏に耐え得るギター・アプリが登場した…との実感を強くしてます。 ハッキリ云って…iPhone Guitar はココからがスタートライン。
このメーカーのBANDで大失敗したので様子を見ます。 追記: Youtubeを見て誘惑に負け購入しました。 ●The Hammer On Guitarのモードでは結構遊べます。 早速、「天国への階段」を弾けるようになりました。和音がタップ出来るのもいい。 ●The Manual Fret Guitarは"Poket Guitar"と同じです。 ただ"Poket Guitar"の様にフレット幅が調整出来れば弾きやすいのだが‥ ●The Tab Guitarは予めコードを入力して1ストローク毎に変化させる事が出来ます。(セーブ可) "Chord Play"と発想が似ていますが、指を動かす事によるストロークのスピード加減調整は行えず、 ツマミによってストローク・スピードが決められてしまいます。 よってこちらも"Chord Play"に軍配が上がります。 ●The Scale Guitarはスケールの種類が膨大だが、あまり実用的でない気がする‥ 音ははアコギとエレキのクリーントーンは良いが、歪み系はファズしかないので少しチープです。 ディレイも良いのだが、コーラス系とディストーションかオーバードライブが欲しい。 ただこの会社バージョンアップしないんだよなぁ。。 バージョンアップで上記の点がひとつでも改善されれば星5つにするんだけど。 また、The Hammer On Guitarだけで230円のバラ売りだったらもっと評価を上げるんだけどな。 タップで弾くのは画期的だと思うが、現状では他の機能やっぱり使えません。 まぁ、人によってはこれでも700円の価値はあるかもしれないですが。
is this work in ipod touch 2g ?
Guitar effects, good mimics of string and strumming, nice layout, many ways to interact, impressive guitar effects, the tab mode is really powerful to play with. It rocks. 4 stars because it could be even better if guitar tab could be edited on mac and then imported to application (not sure its is an application limit though...). In alternative I would prefer a different way to manually input tab, the current one is a bit odd.
I gave it a 4 only because you cant adjust to any alternate tuning. Other than that I love this app. When you can do different tunings then my rating would be a 5
Likes to freeze up when playing really fast. Freezes up at home screen 1 out of 4 times. Crashes. This app=meh.
The interface is east to use but the guitars are hard to play and the whammy and string bending features are absolutely pointless. I suppose its not that bad if you like east to use apps but I think the company overrates it a little. Id pay 99 cents for it after seeing what it can do, but not four bucks.
I like the idea but could you add the ability to use things like hammer ons and pull offs, slides, bends, and other stuff into the tablature?
You may notice that this app only catching hell from people who havent purchased it. Thats because it truly is an impressive handheld app for guitar music on the go. This is Pocket Guitar on steriods with the option to record what you compose. With guitarist, you can do a lot more than just strum a few cords. You can do runs up and down A LOT of different scales, hammer-ons, pull-off, slides . . . theres even a button to simulate percussive tapping on an acoustic guitar. You can also enter in music in TAB notation and have Guitarist play it back . . .its more than worth the asking price. The interface is high quality and its fairly intuitive. Where it isnt, theres really good built in help screens. I think its a damn cool app that works really well for flushing out a melody when youre away from your axe and it costs less than a set of new strings.
The apps is pretty nice but the inability to export or download compositions makes it outdated when compared to the guitar apps by others such as ishred by the frontier group. Also, a killer for me - playing bak a recording doesnt show the exact notes played. Theeffects re limited and tabs cannot be syncd to a desktop either making the excellent tab editor not worth the time investment. A great foundation but the features need refinement.